State Republican Convention
Rochester, Minnesota
May 2008

Early in the year, Donald decided to do his civic duty and attend his first-ever political caucus. One thing lead to another and he ended up going to Rochester as a delegate to the state Republican Convention. There he sat for hours on end listening to debates on fine points of parliamentary procedure while Connie went gallivanting around Rochester meeting friends for lunch and touring the skyways and the Mayo Clinic. She also sat up in the peanut gallery snapping pictures. Connie had a wonderful time.

Unlike the national convention, civic unrest was minimal. The only protesters were Republican supporters of Ron Paul.

Later in the year, Donald continued his political involvement by going door-to-door for a local candidate for State Rep named Bill Jungbauer.

Click on any "thumbnail" picture below to view an enlargement.

Many delegates

Pledge of Allegiance

The back of Donald's head

The leaders confer

Karl Rove speaks

Karl Rove continues

Connie's favorite delegate

The Eagan delegation

After hours


Cool Clockworks

Top of clock

Inside of clock