Andrew's Haiti Trip, January 2010

Our son, Andrew, went to Haiti in early January with a group of other young Americans. They spent a week in a rural area called Jeanette, working on a service project at a church and school. On Tuesday, January 12th, most of the group returned to the U.S., but Andrew and his friend James remained in Port-Au-Prince for a final day of sight-seeing. In the late afternoon, Andrew was sitting in the lobby of their hotel, reading a book. James came in and invited him up to the roof of the adjacent building to watch the sun set. That invitation saved Andrew's life, because five minutes later the earthquake struck and the place where he had been sitting was buried under tons of concrete.

Andrew and James spent the next 48 hours trying to dig survivors out of the rubble and doing whatever they could to help the injured. The day after the quake, they attached themselves to a young Haitian doctor and, under his supervision, they splinted and bandaged many dozens of people in the street outside the Doctors Without Borders clinic. On the second day, they assisted at a children's hospital. During this terrible time, a number of Haitians went out of their way to help the two young Americans, providing them with transportation, information, advice and water. Andrew and James were evacuated to the U.S. early on the third day.

All of the pictures below, except one, were taken before the disaster. The last picture was taken at the U.S. Embassy, two days after the quake. Andrew is acting as an impromptu "hospital bed", using his back to support the patient behind him.

Haiti 001
Haiti 001
Haiti 003
Haiti 003
Haiti 014
Haiti 014
Haiti 021
Haiti 021
Haiti 026
Haiti 026
Haiti 069
Haiti 069
Haiti 096
Haiti 096
Haiti 105
Haiti 105
Haiti 110
Haiti 110
At American Embassy, two days after quake.
At American Embassy, two days after quake.