Timothy and Amanda

Our son Timothy and his wife Amanda are thriving in Philadelphia. Timothy writes tech-policy articles for several publications. Amanda is in the third year of her medical residency at the University of Pennsylvania. This year, they found time for some nice trips, including a visit to Mexico. They also enjoyed a sisterly visit from Bethany, who spent a long weekend savoring their quaint neighborhood, Philadelphia's historic sites, and a "sheep and wool" festival. You'll note, in the Christmas tree pictures below, that Pennsylvania is not as "gifted" with snow as some other places.

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Cute couple in Mexico
Cute couple in Mexico
Amanda & Bethany with sheep
Amanda & Bethany with sheep
Cabin at Lake Hope
Cabin at Lake Hope
Timothy, the gunslinger
Timothy, the gunslinger
Christmas tree 2011
Christmas tree 2011
Tree Hugger
Tree Hugger